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Retail Hacks for a "Non-Salesy" Service Provider

Retail Hacks for a "Non-Salesy" Service Provider

As a service provider, you want to provide your clients with the best possible experience. Part of that experience can include offering retail products that complement your services. However, it can be challenging to sell retail products without coming across as pushy or salesy. In this blog, we'll share some retail hacks that will help you sell retail products without sacrificing your professionalism.

1. Use Product Recommendations

One of the easiest ways to sell retail products is to make recommendations based on your client's needs. For example, if you are a lash artist, recommend a lash serum to help your clients maintain their natural lash health between appointments. By focusing on the benefits of the product, you are providing valuable information to your clients, rather than pushing them to make a purchase. Education is KEY to a non-salesy sale!

2. Offer Samples

Another way to encourage clients to try retail products is to offer samples. This allows them to test out the product before committing to a full-sized purchase. Samples are also an excellent way to introduce clients to new products they may not have considered before. Another great way to offer a sample is to allow the customers to use the product as a tester before the appointment. For example, if you provide lash services, have Squeaky lash cleanser in your restroom and have your guest cleanse their lashes prior to their appointment. This gives them the full experience of product use and get's them in the routine of using the product. 

3. Display Products Strategically

When it comes to selling retail products, the way you display them is crucial. Strategically placing products in your workspace, such as at your checkout counter or in a display case, can increase visibility and encourage clients to make a purchase.

4. Create Bundles

Creating bundles is an excellent way to sell multiple products at once. For example, if you offer lash services, you could create a "premium full set" that includes an aftercare set (aka. our Lash Essentials Aftercare Kit). This cuts selling completely. Bundles not only increase sales but also provide convenience for clients who are looking for a complete solution.

In conclusion, selling retail products as a service provider doesn't have to be salesy or pushy. By using product recommendations, offering samples, strategically displaying products, sharing your expertise, and creating bundles, you can provide your clients with a valuable retail experience without sacrificing your professionalism. By implementing these retail hacks, you can increase your sales and provide your clients with even more value!

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